Saturday, October 10, 2009

September Thoughts

This month has been a big change and adjustment. Getting used to living up here, and now the changing seasons. Working from home most of the time is a challenge, I miss the camaraderie of being in an office, and learning things by just listening and hanging around. It's quite the learning curve. Being at home, sometimes the cats drive me nuts, especially now the weather is a lot cooler than before.

It's weird to not be in school, since I've been there for so long. I'm grateful to not be in school! I was getting tired of the grind but I miss information. I sure wish I would have taken more writing classes and maybe fewer video/audio classes. Some were a complete waste of time. I miss my friends at school, that group that treats me like a peer and not like their mom. I watch their adventures on Facebook and read their stories in the Met.

I have found a new car, and I'm sold on Subarus at this point. That thing goes almost anywhere. That's a good thing living out here in the sticks. Dependability is so important, you don't want to be stuck on a dark, very dark road, and have a car that won't go. There's scary things out there in the dark.

I miss my cell phone and now play phone tennis between my home phone and cell. So nice just having one phone. Eric Lansing recorded the message on my home phone, and he used his sportscaster voice. It makes people wonder.

I also attended my first Society for Professional Journalist board meeting as a new member. I'm still not sure why they want a newbie like me on the board. It's a lot of fun, and there's some heavy journalistic hitters that I love talking to and getting ideas about how to think about journalism. All that time in school, and I'm not finally THINKING about journalism, not just reading about it and walking away. It's not just a job, it's a committment.

September 30

At 4:30 p.m. on September 30 I was finishing up with Alan, getting my monthly dye job and hair cut. I don't like this month's style. September 30, 2009

September 29

At 4:30 p.m. on September 29 I was sitting at my desk talking with one of the local ladies who carry large amounts of clout. I was helping her with a problem she's having, and she was giving me ideas for stories for this week. There are no festivals or celebrations this week, and I'm looking for stories from along 285. September 29, 2009.

September 27

At 4:30 p.m. on September 27 I was trying to repair the rip in my shooting vest, and I had to pull out my two sewing tins. What a mess in both of them. Some of the things in these tins are decades old. The little wooden barrel is from the 40's easily, and i have a picture of my dad holding those same black scissors at Camp Lowry during WWII, when he was stationed there. Yep, they're that old, and still cut really well. September 27, 2009.

September 26

At 4:30 p.m. on September 26 I was waiting for my MasterPath seminar to begin and should have been getting ready instead of shooting an image. This is what was sitting next to me at my computer, the cards from the day's shoot for Emily's Parade in Bailey. Lots of love and support there, and I got some for myself when I logged into the seminar. Wish I could have been in Albuquerque, but I did make the choice to stay in Pine. Great seminar, but being there in person is the absolute best. September 26, 2009.

September 24

At 4:30 p.m. on September 24, I didn't care about taking an image, I was taking a nap as I was exhausted. I'd put down what I was dreaming about, but, yah, no. September 24, 2009.

September 25

At 4:30 p.m. on September 25 I was back home from my busy day and decided to sit down and watch some god-awful afternoon TV. Popcorn makes it bearable, so that' s what I did. September 25, 2009.